Solar Generators

Exploring the Benefits of Solar Generators: An Overview

Generators as backup power sources in case of power outages. If you want to get one for your home or business but want to commit to sustainability, a solar generator is the best option for you. Aside from being a sustainable source of electricity, it offers a lot more benefits. 

To help you learn more about solar generators, we’ll briefly describe what they are, and how they work, and explore all of the benefits you can expect when you invest in one. We’ll also share some tips on what to consider when you’re buying a solar generator so you can make an informed decision. 


What Is a Solar Generator? 

A solar generator is a machine powered by solar panels. It converts energy from the sun into electricity that you can store for later use or use immediately. The solar panels are connected to and charge a battery of the generator, which you can then use to power your house. 

It’s basically a portable battery that comes with photovoltaic (PV) panels that collect sunlight. Here’s a brief summary of how it works as a generator: 

  1. The solar panels collect the solar energy and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. 
  2. The DC electricity then passes through a controller and into a built-in solar battery. 
  3. The battery stores all the converted solar energy for later use.
  4. An inverter in the generator will then convert the stored DC into AC so you can use it to power your appliances and devices. 

Solar Generator vs Solar Electric System

If you know about solar generators, then you’ve also probably heard about solar systems. A solar system is the bigger version of a solar generator. It’s a system designed to harness the sun’s power by directly installing solar panels on your home, RV, building, etc. You’re feeding the energy directly into a full-fledged electrical system, not to a battery of a generator. 

Solar systems are ideal if you want to go completely green and use clean energy for your everyday use. But if you only want a portable power source during sudden power outages, then a solar generator is the better choice. 


Benefits of Solar Generators

When you invest in a solar generator, you can enjoy many benefits, including: 

1. Environmentally Friendly

The most obvious benefit and popular reason why a solar generator is famous these days are that it relies entirely on a clean, renewable energy source – the sun. Unlike other conventional generators, these generators don’t emit harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases. 

This is mainly because a solar generator doesn’t use fossil fuels. By investing in your own unit, you can reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment.   

2. Portable

Solar generators are generally lighter compared to fuel-powered ones, making them more portable. They’re ideal for outdoor activities, like camping and traveling, and especially emergencies. You won’t have to worry about moving a heavy generator around just so you can have backup power. 

3. Quiet

Another major advantage and difference between a solar generator and a conventional fuel-powered generator is the noise they produce. A solar generator doesn’t produce any loud noise when operating. This is because there are no moving parts in a solar generator and the minimal noise you might hear may just come from its inverter when running. 

4. Low Running Cost

Since you’re using a free energy source and not buying fuel, a solar generator has a lower running cost compared to fuel-powered generators. Aside from not spending money on fuel, you also won’t have to worry about maintenance costs since there aren’t any moving parts you may have to replace when damaged. 

5. Versatile

You can use a solar generator to power a variety of devices and appliances, depending on the capacity of the unit you will get. In case of a blackout, you can charge and plug your laptop, phone, lights, etc. Since they’re also portable, you can even use them for outdoor equipment when you’re doing outdoor activities. 


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Generator

A solar generator comes in different sizes and shapes so it’s essential that you buy one that can meet your needs. This can make choosing one unit challenging, especially with all the available options in the market. To help you, remember to consider these key factors when narrowing down your choices: 

Energy Requirements

The first thing to think about is the amount of electricity you’d need. What do you need to charge and plug in during power outages? Or, if you’re using it for outdoor activities, how much energy do you think your devices and equipment will need outside? 

This will help you ensure that your chosen generator will not overload. It’s also one way to ensure that you can power up what you need without any problem. 

Charging Time

You need to charge a solar generator first before you can use it. This means that you have to determine how long it will take for the battery to fully charge. This is to ensure that you can charge the generator before you use it so you won’t suddenly need to recharge during a power outage. 

Battery Capacity

Since you have an idea of how much electricity you need, you also have to make sure to know how much electricity the generator can provide. Either for outdoor usage or during a power outage, the longer a solar generator can provide backup power, the better. It’s best to get one that can run efficiently for a long time since you don’t always know when you can recharge it.

Offered Features

Last but not least, make sure to check what features a specific unit offers. You can do a lot with a solar generator that provides many helpful features. 

For example, some units have USB ports and power outlets. This feature will give you the freedom to plug in multiple and a variety of devices and appliances at the same time. 


It’s Time to Get a Solar Generator! 

A solar generator is the most eco-friendly, versatile, and portable machine you can use as your backup power source. Whether you’re going to use it for your home or when doing outdoor activities, it offers many benefits that make it a worthwhile investment. Just make sure to consider the important factors when choosing. 

To give you a good head start on your shopping for solar generators, we offer our massive solar collection, which is composed of different components and brands of generators. With these lots of options, you can surely find one that matches your needs!